The rest is under construction!

Link to Figma file for a quick
breakdown of features and outcomes


Prioritizing core business and product needs kickstarted focused design efforts on an Academic Early Warning Systems and language translation features for a new SaaS

Axians UK

What's Axians?

A large IT consulting firm in London servicing multiple large industries. It's where I first interned remotely in college.

What's their need?

Wants currently built intenal SaaS template for construction industry repurposed for education clients

⬆️ Summarizing the process

Asking why 10 times

We didn't have the time to build out an entirely new platform. So, we focused on finding the core user need that would help consultants land 80% of incoming clients.

It was refreshing to define our particular scope into a couple of themes and features, since the original ask was too broad and overwhelming.

The rest is under construction!