Feature implementation case study

A standalone analysis evaluating a well-liked startup's absent functionalities and an individual challenge to expand design and entrepreneurial problem-solving

Business problem

A customer need

Gathering hangout ideas are enjoyable, yet individuals continue to utilize different applications for discovering new events to go to

Design Goals

The direction to go

Integrate new events discovery feature within existing interface

  1. Add to in-app experience

  2. Build product loyalty

  3. Use current design system

A quick customer journey used to map the opportunities

Why was this helpful at all?

It showed where The Nudge app could use improvement in the customer experience and improve retention, particularly by solving a user need to look up events straight from the app itself.

Researching directions

Exploring three positioning options to make it easy to find and use within the current application

Users need to use this feature often

In the real-world, I'd present these wireframes to the senior designer and have a sit-down chat about what's the easiest for the devs and the users.

I realized there could be a chance to make the new events feature prominent

But knowing that the core feature of the app are hangout plans created by contributors, then blending it it as an additional add may be better.

The winner - Including the events page as a new nagivational element

On brand design and user preferences

Wireframing assisted in defining content groupings and locations; here the focus shifts to finding the right on-brand presentation.

Event component

Cleaning up UI design for event components for clarity

The main events page

Details from users revealed missing imagnery and social features the brand loves

Final implementation proposal

Keeping it simple by taking cues from the current design language

  • Feeling of fun and friendly (on-brand)

  • Community building through check-ins

  • Easy to share

  • Comfortable interface

Revisiting the updated customer journey map

I ran my thinking with Senior Product Design mentors who always reminded me to always think about the business details in every design decision

Learning and reflections

They also taught me to always think ahead AND the bigger picture. Here are some of things that I always now consider as a part of any product design task◡̈

Engineering considerations

  • UI hyper care and taking care of tickets

  • Keeping devs in the loop weekly

  • Adhering to design system constraints

Business/design ROI

  • User satisfaction rating 1 (poor) to 5 (great)

  • True/False qualification for user buy-in

  • Potential Beta testing before full release

  • User retention metrics and event check-in quantity